
College Readiness Mathematics Unit 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key

Math Expressions Common Core Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 18 Answer Key Start Unknown Problems

Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 18 Homework

Write an equation. Solve the word problem

Question 1.
Abigail's mother gives her some carrots to sell at the state fair. Abigail picks 16 more carrots from the garden. Now Abigail has 73 carrots to sell. How many carrots did her mother give her?
Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 18 Homework and Remembering Answer Key 1
57 carrots
Total carrots with Abigail = 73
She picks 16 more
Mother gives her some carrots at fair
73 – 16 = 57

Question 2.
Stanley the grocer has lots of onions. He sells 44 onions in the morning. Now he has 48 onions left to sell. How many onions did Stanley have to begin with?
Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 18 Homework and Remembering Answer Key 1
92 onions
Stanley sells 44 onions
Still 48 onions to be sold
Total onions
44 + 48 = 92

Question 3.
At the end of the first half of the basketball game, Carmen's team has 23 points. At the end of the second half, they have 52 points. How many points did Carmen's team score in the second half of the game?
Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 18 Homework and Remembering Answer Key 1
29 points
Carmen's team has 23 points
End of the second half he have 52 points
number points scored in second half = 52 – 23 = 29

Question 4.
Mr. Art has 88 sheets of paper in his cabinet. He gives some paper to his students. Then he has 61 sheets of paper left. How many sheets of paper did Mr. Art give to his students?
Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 18 Homework and Remembering Answer Key 1
27 papers
Mr. Art has 88 sheets
Left over sheets = 61
Some of papers = 88 – 61 = 27

Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 18 Remembering

Find the unknown addend (unknown partner).

Question 1.
5 + __________ = 13
16 – 7 = __________
6 + __________ = 14
5 + 8 = 13
16 – 7 = 9
14 – 6 =8
In the Math mountain, the top part of the mountain to called Total or Sum and it consists of two parts called Partners or Addends
The addition of two whole numbers results in the total amount or sum of those values combined.
Subtraction is opposite of addition.

Question 2.
9 + __________ = 16
15 – 8 = __________
13 – 7 = __________
9 + 7 = 16
15 – 8 = 7
13 – 7 = 5
In the Math mountain, the top part of the mountain to called Total or Sum and it consists of two parts called Partners or Addends
The addition of two whole numbers results in the total amount or sum of those values combined.
Subtraction is opposite of addition.

Question 3.
Draw a Picture and Explain Draw two different Math Mountains with a total of 13. Explain why you can make two different Math Mountains.

Each math mountain has different patterns with same total.
From the total if any addend is subtracted we will get the other addend.
Because subtraction is opposite to addition.
So, we can make different patterns with same total.

Solve the word problem. Show your work.

Question 4.
Erin has 56 crayons. She gets some new ones. Now she has 82 crayons. How many new crayons did she get?
Math Expressions Grade 2 Unit 4 Lesson 18 Homework and Remembering Answer Key 1
26 crayons
total crayons = 82
at first he has 56 crayons
new crayons added = 82 – 56 = 26

Question 5.
Stretch Your Thinking Write and solve a word problem that has an unknown start number. Use 2-digit numbers.
Word problem may vary from one to one.
The florist has some roses. She gets a delivery of 23 more roses. Now she has 71 roses. How many roses did she start with?

Total Roses = 49
At the first she has some roses.
Florist gets a delivery of 23 roses.
Now she has 71 roses.
Number of roses at first = 71 – 23 = 49

College Readiness Mathematics Unit 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key


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